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Inviting Guests In Your Workspace
Jeremy Morin avatar
Written by Jeremy Morin
Updated over a week ago

How are guests different from workspace members?

Workspace members have full access to Taskworld’s features. They can track progress, create tasks, send messages and view reports.

Guests have restricted visibility in your workspace. Once you invite guests to a project, they can:

  • View task progress as followers

  • Complete tasks assigned to them

  • Comment and share files inside tasks that they are following

  • Use project chat to communicate with other members

  • Give/receive feedback

Guests cannot:

  • Create tasks or change task properties

  • Access projects/tasks that they are not part of

  • Access reports like project timeline, calendar, and workspace overview

Inviting Guests

The process to invite guests is very similar to inviting workspace members. Click on the People tab in the left navigation bar. Click on Invite People. You’ll find this option in the following places:

The Guest Feature is available on our Business plan, where you can invite up to 30 guests for free!

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