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Task Dependency
Mathilde Pressouyre avatar
Written by Mathilde Pressouyre
Updated over a week ago

Task Dependency allows you to link a task with other task/tasks and requires the precedent task to be completed before you can mark the next task as done. With the use of Task Dependency on Timeline/ Grantt Chart you have a great way to visually see your entire project.

NOTE: Task Dependency is only available for Business and Enterprise Plans.

You may request the Task Dependency activation on your workspace from our Support Team at

The assignee of the next task will be notified once the previous task is completed
(It will show in Other Activities on the Notifications page)

Once Task Dependency is activated, the Project Admin will have access to the Dependency Date Adjustment in the Project Settings.
Click here to read the full explanation of the Dependency Date Adjustment choices.

How to Add Dependencies to Tasks

  1. Click on the task to access its properties

  2. Click on the "+" button next to Dependency

  3. Select the task/tasks that will show under the Previous Task and Next Task. You can also search for the task's name using the Search bar

The task will show an icon that indicates it has a dependency


How to Remove Dependencies

1. Click on a Task with a dependency to access its properties
Click on the existing dependency
Under Previous Task or Next Task, hover over the linked task and click on the "X" button

2. You can also click on the "+" button next to Dependency and select the task with the check sign.

Dependency Date Adjustment

Only Project Admins can set the Dependency Date Adjustment

1. All Previous and Next task

- When you change task’s start date and due date, it will adjust dates for all dependencies and remain task durations and gaps as same.
- Good for planning a project in advance


e.g. We set Task B's dependencies. Task A for its Previous Task and Task C for its Next Task

*Task A - Start Date: Nov 1 / Due Date was Nov 30
(30-day duration/1-day gap between A & B)

*Task B - Start Date: Dec 1 / Due Date was Dec 30
(31-day duration/1-day gap Between B & C)

*Task C - Start Date: Jan 1 / Due Date was Jan 15
(15-day duration) (Start Date is 1 day after Task B's Due Date)

We changed Task B's Start Date into Nov 30 and Due Date into Oct 5


Task A update - Start Date: Oct 31 / Due Date: Nov 29
(still 30-day duration / still 1-day gap between A & B)

Task C update - Start Date: Dec 6 / Due Date: Dec 20
(still 15-day duration / still 1-day gap between B & C)

2. Next Tasks: keep lag time

- When you change a task’s due date, the date gap between following Next tasks will remain as planned.
- Good for an on-going project with strict lag days between task, e.g. fixed delivery days.


e.g. We set Task B's dependencies. Task A for its Previous Task and Task C for its Next Task

*Task A - Start Date: Nov 1 / Due Date Nov 30
(30-day duration/Due Date is 11 days before Task B's Start Date)

*Task B - Start Date: Dec 11 / Due Date: Dec 20
(10-day duration/Start Date is 11 days after Task A's Due Date)

*Task C - Start Date: Dec 31 / Due Date: Jan 14
(15-day duration/Start Date is 11 days after Task B's Due Date)

We changed Task A's Due date into Dec 13 and the dates of Tasks B & C got updated.


Task B update - Start Date: Dec 23 / Due Date: Jan 1
(Task A to B still has an 11-day gap)

Task C update - Start Date: Jan 12 / Due Date: Jan 26
(Task B to C still has an 11-day gap / duration changed)

3. Next Tasks: optimize dates

- When you change a task’s due date, the date gap between following Next tasks may reduce to keep the project timeline.
- Good for on-going projects that need to avoid project overdue as much as possible.


e.g. We set Task B's dependencies. Task A for its Previous Task and Task C for its Next Task

*Task A - Start Date: Nov 1 / Due Date Nov 30
(30-day duration/Due Date is 11 days before Task B's Start Date)

*Task B - Start Date: Dec 11 / Due Date: Dec 20
(10-day duration/Start Date is 11 days after Task A's Due Date)

*Task C - Start Date: Dec 31 / Due Date: Jan 14
(15-day duration/Start Date is 11 days after Task B's Due Date)

We changed Task A's Due date into Dec 13 and the dates of Tasks B got updated.


Task B update - Start Date: Dec 14 / Due Date: Dec 23
(Task A to B's gap reduced to 1 day)

Task C's dates didn't change - Start Date: Dec 31 / Due Date: Jan 14
(Task B to C's gap reduced to 8 days)

4. No date adjustment

- When you change a task’s start date and due date, there is no date auto-adjustment for dependent tasks.
- Good for the project having flexible task start and due date and using dependency feature only for task completion blockers.


e.g. We set Task B's dependencies. Task A for its Previous Task and Task C for its Next Task

*Task A - Start Date: Nov 1 / Due Date Nov 30

*Task B - Start Date: Dec 11 / Due Date: Dec 20

*Task C - Start Date: Dec 31 / Due Date: Jan 14

We changed Task A's Due date into Dec 13.

Result: The dates of Tasks B & C didn't change.

Task Dependency Improvement on Timeline/ Grantt Chart

When starting a new project we often have a lot of questions in mind such as

- What tasks needed to be done?

- Who is responsible?

- How long will it take?

- How can we track our progress

An improvement had been made on the Project timeline which now has the Grant Chart showing the dependency of every tasklist from each member which is a great way to visually see your entire project from start to finish. .

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