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Pin Task Comment
Mathilde Pressouyre avatar
Written by Mathilde Pressouyre
Updated over a week ago

Task comments often populate at times and there is that one important comment that the team needs for the task to be accomplished. As comments populate through time this comment is buried down by new and upcoming comments, we then had updated our platform by providing you an option to pin the important comment in the Task so you will not be having a hard time going back and forth just to locate the needed comment.

Pin Comment

  1. Go to the comments tab in your task properties.

  2. On the right side of the of the comment, you will see 3 dots aligned vertically.

  3. Click that symbol then choose Pin this Comment.

  4. To edit the pinned comment, click the comment which is pinned, and you will be relocated to that comment.

  5. On the right side of the of the comment, you will see 3 dots aligned vertically.

  6. Click Edit.

Unpin Comment

  1. If you want to Unpin the Comment.

  2. Click the arrow down symbol on the pinned comment, then at the very bottom the option Unpin will be visible.

  3. After clicking Unpin a pop-up will appear confirming if you wish to proceed with the action.

  4. Proceed on choosing Unpin and it will unpin the pinned comment.

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