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GitHub integration
Mathilde Pressouyre avatar
Written by Mathilde Pressouyre
Updated over 2 years ago

Include your GitHub pull requests in your Taskworld projects. See status, title and code lines added/removed directly in the relevant task.

How to set up the GitHub integration

(This can only be performed by workspace admins)

  1. Click on your workspace name in the top left corner and select “Manage settings”

  2. Go to the “Integrations” tab, here you’ll see all available integrations for your workspace

  3. Navigate to the GitHub panel and click “Connect”

  4. You will be routed to GitHub’s authorization page

  5. Login with your GitHub credentials

  6. Next, you will have to confirm the permissions required by the integration.
    (We recommend only granting necessary permissions. Admin permissions are needed for the integration to work properly. Taskworld will never make any modifications to your repositories)

  7. If you see GitHub requesting access to organizations you do not want to be included, please change your organization’s settings in GitHub following this guide.

  8. After successful authorization, you will be directed back to your Taskworld workspace, your GitHub panel should now show Taskworld as a connected organization and the GitHub task property will appear on all your tasks.

If the Authorization fails, it might mean that you do not have sufficient access to your organization with the GitHub account you are using for the Authorization.

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