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Q4 2022
Mathilde Pressouyre avatar
Written by Mathilde Pressouyre
Updated over a week ago


  1. Notification Mark as unread

We now have the option to mark our notifications as read or unread based on our preference.

  1. You just need to hover over a notification, dont click the notification.

  2. You will see icons below:

  1. Create first the data or information you need for your checklist in excel.

  2. Open up a task, on the Properties tab, scroll down to checklist.

  3. Go back to the excel sheet copy the needed information.

  4. Paste the information on the checklist, then click enter.

  5. Choose "Create Items" on the pop up.

3. Approval Filter in Overview Page

1. Hover over the Overview Page.

2. Scroll down and click Approval Requests.

3. Choices will be: Approved, My Approval Request, Changes Requested, and Need my Approval.


  1. Copy Link from Task Comment

2. Data Picker Widget

- Where we have a toggle set to automatically have choices to have due dates on weekends.


  1. New UI

    Before the year 2022 ends, our team recently updated our interface with a more sleek and modernized look, that fits the saying " New year! New me!". If by any chance you would like to walk down memory lane and want to access again the old interface you may do so by following the steps below.

    2. Improvement with Approval Feature

    Now in the task comments, you can click the dropdown arrow and select 'Approval' to filter out comments related to Approval requests.

    3. Files Approved and Need Changes

    Now, in the task's Files & Links, you'll be able to clearly see whether a file was approved or not. Any file uploaded during the review mode will be highlighted and have a status indicator.

    If you request a change, the orange 'requested changes' file status will show until another comment or file is uploaded.

    To know more about this feature head on to Request Review (Approval).

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