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Q1 2023
Mathilde Pressouyre avatar
Written by Mathilde Pressouyre
Updated over a week ago

Everything we released in January

1. Calendar View

     We have been working on improving our calendar feature. The improvements are based on customer feedback and the possibilities of the updated calendar library. There are more improvements planned but the first version has been released.

A quick overview of what has changed:

  • month/week/day/list view

  • You can set the amount of tasks that is shown in month view.

  • Ability to expand the calendar / hide the filters

  • You can now create tasks in all the views.

  • All day task view in week and day mode.

2. Chat & Comment Style Update

    We just rolled out a style update on how the chat messages and comments are displayed. We heard comments that there's too much empty space on the left and right of the messages, meaning we don't take full advantage of available space, thus making the messages look squeezed and unnecessarily large.

     I'm happy to share that by changing how the Quick Action Buttons are displayed, now the messages can take space all the way to the far right edge. We hope it will make our chat even better for daily use.



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