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Mathilde Pressouyre avatar
Written by Mathilde Pressouyre
Updated over a week ago

What is Zapier?

Zapier allows you to integrate different tools with each other and set up automations, even if these tools don’t have a native integration. These automations (called “Zaps”) contain a trigger and an action. They follow the logic “If this happens in software 1, then this should happen in software 2”.

What can I do with the Zapier integration?

This is the first version of our new Zapier integration. As of now, Taskworld can only be used as a trigger, not as an action. We are planning to add more functionalities in the future and would love to hear your ideas about “Zaps” that your team would benefit from. Submit your feature request to and we’ll keep you posted on future improvements to this integration.

What triggers can be used?

The current version of our Zapier integration supports trigger events that are connected to the notification system in Taskworld, such as:

  • You’ve been assigned to a task.

  • You’ve been added as a follower to a task.

  • Someone commented on your task.

  • A due date has been added or updated for your task.

  • Task was completed.

How to set up a “Zap”

This is a short version of Zapier’s own Quick Start Guide on creating your first Zap. Check their user guide article for more extensive explanations.

  1. Sign up or log in to your Zapier account

  2. In your Zapier account, hover over the left sidebar menu and click "Create Zap"

  3. Add a trigger

    1. Choose Taskworld as the trigger app

    2. Select your trigger event (see above which events in Taskworld can be used as triggers)

    3. Authenticate your Taskworld account

    4. Set up and test your trigger

  4. Add an action

    1. Choose your action app: the Zap will perform an action in this app when your Taskworld notification triggers it

    2. Select your action event: this will be the event that the Zap performs in the selected app when it is triggered.

    3. Select your app account: select or connect the specific app account to use in the Zap action.

    4. Set up your action set up the data that you want to send over to your action app

    5. Test your action: test your action to see if it's working as expected.

  5. Name your Zap

  6. Turn on your Zap by toggling the switch to “ON”

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